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The Perfect Picture Book 

The Worry Monster: Calming Anxiety with Mindfulness


⬇️ Illustrator Lena Podesta shares about their picture book THE WORRY MONSTER: CALMING ANXIETY WITH MINDFULNESS.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for kids (or even grown-ups) who struggle with anxiety."

📚 "This book can also be used to learn to identify big emotions and practice taming them."

Author: Dr. Catherine Cook-Cottone

Illustrator: Lena podesta

Publisher: Random House Children's Books

Published: December 2024


📌 www.lenapodesta.com

📌 ig: @land_of_lena

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Anzu and the Art of Friendship


⬇️ Author Moni Ritchie Hadley shares about their picture book ANZU AND THE ART OF FRIENDSHIP.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for the first day at a new school."

📚 "This book can also be used to recognize children's emotions and feelings in new experiences."

Author: Moni Ritchie Hadley 

Illustrator: Nathalia Takeyama 

Publisher: Albert Whitman & Co.

Published: June 22, 2023


📌 www.moniritchie.com  

📌 @bookthreader